Show some general information

This JavaScript shows you what browser you're using, and what time it was when you loaded the page.

Place this JavaScript code where you want to show the information:

<!------------ JavaScript begins...

time = new Date ();
var hours = time.getHours ();
var minutes = time.getMinutes ();
var seconds = time.getSeconds ();
var CurrentTime = "";

if (hours < 10) {
        CurrentTime = "0" + hours;
} else {
        CurrentTime = hours;
if (minutes < 10) {
        CurrentTime += (":0" + minutes);
} else {
        CurrentTime += (":" + minutes);

if (seconds < 10) {
        CurrentTime += (":0" + seconds);
} else {
        CurrentTime += (":" + seconds);

var info = "<CENTER>You surfed into this page with " + navigator.appName + " " + navigator.appVersion + "<BR>When you loaded the page the time was " + CurrentTime + "</CENTER>";
document.write (info);

// JavaScript ends ---------->